American Robin

Image courtesy of Cornell Lab of Ornithology 


You can find these birds in a variety of places including lawns, fields, city parks, woodlands, forests, mountains up to near treeline, recently burned forests, and tundra. During the winter they move to areas where berry’s and shrubs are common such as wet woods. They usually put their nests on the branches of trees where they have good leaf cover from predators. They also can place their nests on gutters, eaves, on outdoor light fixtures, and other man-made structures. The nest is made out of grass, twigs, paper, feathers, rootlets, or moss and is then lined with fine dry grass.


During spring and summer they eat mostly earthworms, insects, and snails. They also eat a lot fruit such as chokecherries, hawthorn, dogwood, sumac fruits, and juniper berries. They like to eat fruit that has insects in them.