American Crow 

Image courtesy of Cornell Lab of Ornithology 


They will live in any open habitat with trees to perch on and a reliable source of food. Some of these include farmland, pasture, landfills, city parks, golf courses, cemeteries, yards, vacant lots, highway turnarounds, feedlots, and the shores of rivers, streams, and marshes. They build their nests in crooks in trees near the trunk or on branches where they are hidden. They build them higher up in trees. They like to nest in evergreens but they will also nest in deciduous trees. They build the nest out of twigs. The nest is lined with pine needles, weeds, soft bark, or animal hair.


They eat a variety of food including grains, seeds, nuts, fruits, berries, and many kinds of small animals like earthworms and mice. They also eat insects. They eat aquatic animals such as fish, young turtles, crayfish, mussels, and clams. They also eat eggs and nestlings of many species including sparrows, robins, jays, terns, loons.