They mostly live in thick coniferous forests in wet areas. Some of these forests include Douglas-firs, Monterey, ponderosa, sugar pines white firs, incense-cedar, and redwoods. They also can live in deciduous forests, particularly willow and alder stands along streams, eucalyptus groves, open patches of madrone and shrubs, and sometimes along the edges of oak woodlands. They have also been known to frequent backyards with a lot of shrubs and trees.Nests are usually made in holes in rotten trees or holes left by woodpeckers
Most of their food intake comes from insects and other arthropods, including spiders, caterpillars, leafhoppers, tiny scale insects, wasps, and aphids.They feed their young caterpillars and wasp larvae for the most part. They have also been known to eat seeds, berries, and fruit pulp.